Hiroya Nakao [CV]

Position: Professor, Dr. Sci. (Physics)

Address: O-okayama 2-12-1, Meguro, Tokyo, E-mail: nakao[at]sc.e.titech.ac.jp

Field of study: Nonlinear dynamics and stochastic processes

External committees: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (JPS, Editor, 2012-), NOLTA (IEICE, Associate Editor, 2015-), Physica D (Elsevier, Editor, 2018-2021),

Research interest

Theoretical studies in nonlinear science

Keywords: Nonlinear dynamics, rhythmic phenomena, nonlinear oscillations, chaos, reduction theory, coupled dynamical systems, reactiom-diffusion systems, synchronization, pattern formation, self-organization, fractals, complex networks, network dynamics, etc.

Recent topics

Selected papers [List]

  1. Hiroya Nakao, "Phase reduction approach to synchronization of nonlinear oscillators", Contemporary Physics 57, 188-214 (2016).
  2. "Phase reduction approach to synchronization of spatiotemporal rhythms in reaction-diffusion systems", Hiroya Nakao, Tatsuo Yanagita, and Yoji Kawamura, Physical Review X 4, 021032 (2014).
  3. "Phase reduction method for strongly perturbed limit cycle oscillators",Wataru Kurebayashi, Sho Shirasaka, and Hiroya Nakao, Physical Review Letters 111, 214101 (2013).
  4. "Dynamics of limit cycle oscillators subject to general noise", Denis S. Goldobin. Jun-nosuke Teramae, Hiroya Nakao, and G. Bard Ermentrout, Physical Review Letters 105, 154101 (2010).
  5. "Turing patterns in network-organized activator-inhibitor systems", Hiroya Nakao and Alexander S. Mikhailov, Nature Physics 6, 544-550 (2010).
  6. "Stochastic phase reduction for a general class of noisy limit cycle oscillators", Jun-nosuke Teramae, Hiroya Nakao, and G. Bard Ermentrout, Physical Review Letters 102, 194102(1-4) (2009).
  7. "Collective phase sensitivity", Yoji Kawamura, Hiroya Nakao, Kensuke Arai, Hiroshi Kori, and Yoshiki Kuramoto, Physical Review Letters 101, 024101 (2008).
  8. "Noise-induced synchronization and clustering in ensembles of uncoupled limit-cycle oscillators", Hiroya Nakao, Kensuke Arai, and Yoji Kawamura, Physical Review Letters 98, 184101 (2007).

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